Tuesday, May 04, 2010

long distance GNUmed support via chat feature

It all about the end user.

The chat feature in the Wiki has been there for a while. I have not been

contacted that often but since Ubuntu released its new version 3 people

have showed up in the last 2 days.

There was a guy from Trinidad and two from Russia. The chat feature

helped to get one guy from Russia and the one from Trinidad on track.

Both had GNUmed running once I told them the secret password

for the public database :-)

The secret password for salaam.homeunix.com is:

user: any-doc

password: any-doc

The second guy from Russia hit a bug. He was very helpful by providing

log files and we should see a bugfix release soon. He worked we me on

this for over one hour which I appreciate. Turns out part of the problems

is there are virtually unlimited possiblities to get the whole UFT8. UTF-8,

uft8 and utf-8 thing for PostgreSQL wrong.

Judging by various sources I have people from all over the world are looking

at GNUmed. Indonesia, Russia, Argentina, Netherland, Austria, Germany,

Moldavia are just a few that looked at GNUmed during the last 24 hours.

Not all of them seem to be satisfied with what they find. A good number

of them are looking for billing solutions.

This could well be the beginning of a stable GNUmed community.


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