Sunday, January 10, 2010

GNUmed 0.6 release candidate 4 is out

Karsten has uploaded 0.6.rc4:

The Changelog:

- can promote an episode to being a health issue
- can add home phone/external ID to newly created patient directly
- can track diagnostic certainty classification (ABCD) on episodes and issues
- can track procedures performed on a patient
- can do end user friendly free-text search across all EMRs
- can move all progress notes of a pre-selected list of encounters to another episode
- can manage provinces
- can manage substance intake
- can print medication list
- can print LaTeX as well as OOo letters
- can interface with German "MMI/Gelbe Liste" external drug database
        - show info on drug/substance by PZN / name
        - show interactions
        - import drugs/substances
- can display UI in Polish
- can include potential problems in problem list of soap plugin
- can remove DOB from person

- improved (more) placeholders
        - gender to re placement mapper
        - medication list
        - allergies list
- improved inbox

- improved tarballs: include schema/API docs, better names
- improved import path detection

Please test and find bugs !

Packages for openSUSE , Fedora and Mandriva will appear shortly. Have a look at to find out how to get those packages installed.


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