Saturday, November 08, 2008

GNUmed 0.3.5

Hello all,

this release again fixes a small bug just found:

0.3.4 -> 0.3.5

FIX: reversed logic when detecting new versions
FIX: further SQL improvements to language setting issue

The first item fixes detection of new versions over the web.
The second item further improves the SQL function which is
used to detect the database language setting to make it more
proof against future changes.

Again, the SQL fix should be applied manually to existing

- go to server/sql/v8-v9/fixups/
- remove "--" in front of "set default_transaction_read_only ..." in v9-i18n-dynamic.sql
- run psql -d gnumed_v9 -U gm-dbo -f v9-i18n-dynamic.sql

Newly bootstrapped databases will have it right away.

Get it here:


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